T H E   E V E R L A S T I N G   G O S P E L

The Little Book of Revelation
Chapter Ten  |  The Bitter Sweet

Given By Yahweh and Yeshua HaMashiach
From March 2, 2024 – October 13, 2024

Received By William Alexander Brooks
The Voice of one Crying in the Wilderness

The Everlasting Gospel
The Little Book of Revelation Chapter Ten  |  The Bitter Sweet
William Brooks  eyesupandopen.org

Eyes Up and Open is Williams’ website with transcripts to each Word received.
Focused on The Lord Jesus Christ

On March 2, 2024, the Lord Jesus Christ stated giving me prophetic messages to share with people regarding his imminent appearing for his Church. I will be completely transparent as to how he works with me. I will be shown a phrase of words…it might be something like “the earth is the Lord’s”…and in my spirit I know there is more. The phrase will stay in my mind or return to my mind until I start typing the rest of the message. He literally shows me the words to type and gives me perception on what he needs to be stated. I add no words and I take no words away. Most times I don’t know exactly the content I’ve typed out until I go back and read the fullness of what’s been given, though I am fully aware the entire time. I always compare the words with scripture as prophecy will not contradict scripture though it may add new light.

Spirit of Prophecy – YouTube channel with the messages read by William

From Yeshua HaMaschiach:
Behold! The times of separation draw to a close and my appearing has almost arrived now, it is very close and even the angels and host of heaven are at the trumpet’s call. I have reached my outstretched arms to a dying world for many jubilees now and many have accepted the peace treaty my Father Yahweh sent to mankind, even me Christ Jesus, for I am your peace. Yet many more have rejected my offer and my Father’s grace and mercy that has been poured out on the earth.

Those who have been sealed and redeemed are those chosen from the foundation of the world, for my Father knew you from eternity to eternity, and you have always been at the center of his heart as I have also been in the center of his heart, for I Jesus the Nazarene am Yahweh’s only-begotten son. And yet by my accomplished works as the Perfect Passover and by the obedience of the only-begotten, many, many sons of God have been born again into all eternity. Even taken from the sons of men, for I am the Son of Man!

These times of grace were a mystery hidden in Yahweh’s heart that he told nobody until he revealed it to me, and I have revealed it to my holy apostles and prophets and have preserved my holy Word for the ears and hearts of the chosen, and faithful. For you my Bride are part of the Great Mystery of God and your lives (which are hidden in me) are about to be revealed. And I will reward the faithful for all their faithful works that they have faithfully done in great faith to me, Jesus Christ.

And so have I saved great multitudes by my atoning blood, for my blood was sinless and to this day I am sinless, for I will never sin. Those who have lived their lives faithfully in Christ will receive great reward, and they will shine as the stars in heaven and great glory is theirs to be had, for they did not glorify themselves as if they were some great ones. But they have glorified me Yeshua HaMaschiach and I will present them to my Father without stain or wrinkle and their garments will be snow-white and never will they be soiled, and they shall all live and never again sin, either through ungodliness or through pride. And they will be glorified in me.

For I am the chief shepherd and I have led my flock to green pastures until the times of consummation which are quickly coming upon the earth, for there is no more sand remaining to pass through the glass. And I will reward all from the least to the greatest in such a manner that you cannot comprehend at this time, but that comprehension is at your doorstep, for you will be taken into the heavens so very soon.

And so shall my Bride be taken into glory, where I will judge her works and fully redeem every last man woman and child. I will reward them richly for even the smallest things that have been accomplished in service to me. For God is not unrighteous, to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shown toward his Name, in that you have ministered to the Saints, and do minister.

Fear not, my Bride, for God does not judge as man judges, for man is unjust and a respecter of persons. Man glorifies those man deems important, and natural man most always ignores humility and virtue in favor of the haughty and self accomplished. For natural man cries out to be accounted righteous before God, but natural man cannot overcome his sin nature and refuses to believe that he is corrupt, even denying the Lord of Lords who would save him.

And so pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall. Instead of bowing their hearts to my words and wisdom and love that I have flooded the earth, natural man instead chooses to follow his lusts and passions, for the courses of the World are designed by Satan to tempt and incite those passions, even the rewards of unrighteousness. And so the times of the gentiles are coming to a close, and it is time for Jacob’s trouble, for I will redeem Israel even my faithful elect who will come to me in repentance for their sins and the sins of their Fathers who rejected me. And as it has been written, so let it be done.

Oh natural man, why do you yet choose your sins and ignore my grace and salvation as if that is a light thing. Neither Yahweh nor me, Christ Jesus, have any pleasure in the coming judgements and the utter terror that will soon be unleashed. But God has not chosen this part of his plan so that he could be cruel to his creation, for God is Love and God is light and in him is no darkness at all. The coming great trouble is designed to give mankind one last chance before it is too late for him. A great multitude will be saved out of the tribulation, even those who hold my name to their last breath and love not their lives to the end.

Natural man, you are so stubborn, and you will not listen, and you foolishly reject my grace and I still pray the same: Father forgive them, for they know not what they do. For those who are left to great trouble, even those who have rejected my offer of peace, where many will be lost to destruction for they have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ. Yet, many will be saved, even all that call on the name of the Lord will be saved. And so yet the trials of fire are about to begin for judgment approaches.

Great judgment is coming on Satan’s kingdom! And you natural man, even in your stubborn unbelief, refuse even the easiest request. For in my times of Grace, salvation has been free and easy and all one had to do was confess Jesus as Lord and believe God raised me from the dead. And so now there will be a famine of all things good in the land, even my holy word. A great, great time of trouble is approaching and Satan foolishly prepares to make his stand, even arrogantly thinking he can win so him and his angels can have a world of their own, a world without God, for their ways are perverse. Verily, that which has made itself crooked cannot be made straight and there is no forgiveness, nor peace to Satan and his angels, nor their offspring.

I am son of God who has come in the flesh
I am the Lion of the Tribe of Judah
I am he who will rule the nations with a rod of Iron
I am he who will unleash the seals so very soon
I am he who is coming for my Bride
I am he who shall meet you in the air
I am that I am and the trumpet is about to sound

I, Yeshua HaMashiach have sent the Words

From Yahweh, the great eternal God:
Now comes the judgment of the eternal God, even Yahweh, for I am sending my son and there is no time remaining. Oh, you worthless ones who thought you could defeat Yahweh, even the great eternal God! Oh, you worthless ones who foolishly thought you could defeat my only-begotten Son, Yeshua HaMaschiach. You have heaped to yourselves eternal wrath and my anger is fierce against you, for I am a jealous God. For from the beginning you have withstood my plans, and you have vexed, distressed, persecuted, tortured, and destroyed my creation. You have no peace.

Hear me and hear me well, for I declare what will become of you, and what Yahweh declares can no one alter, not once, not ever. And so your judgment comes. I will send my son to gather my chosen and faithful, even the Sons of Adam who have now become sons of God. You have failed, oh you worthless serpent who slithers in dishonesty and falsehood. For you are no gods, and you cannot ever deliver your selves from my hand. For I will repay!
I will return to you every evil work and all the pain and suffering you have caused the innocent, and you will burn forever in the hottest flames of blue and acrid poisonous smoke shall be your air and in great torment will you forever be. For you caused me to destroy my creation, even the earth as it was before the flood of Noah, even on account of your worthless seed that you made for mankind’s destruction and so on account of these things, I will destroy you in your inheritance of fire.

And you tried to destroy the world after the flood of Noah, even making your abominations once again but they will have no root nor branch for all the tares will be plucked up, bound, and cast into the fire. And so will I destroy the earth in fiery Judgment, for I promised never to flood the entire earth again. But in fire my Judgment comes, for I am an all consuming fire and my anger boils over at the wicked. And so on account of these things, I will destroy you in the hottest fire and burning brimstone.

Hear me and hear me well, for I declare what will become of you, even you worthless watchers who left their first estate. You have no peace and though I have unleashed from your bonds for a short season, I have only done so in order that you may serve my purposes. Then great judgment is on you, and you have no peace. For you caused me to flood the earth on account of your abominations. Who are you to play creator with Yahweh’s creation? Who are you to desecrate the garden of God with your unclean ways. You made your bastards and reprobates by defiling yourselves with women and they will share in your inheritance of fire.

For what did I tell Malachi: For behold, the day comes that shall burn as an oven, and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble, and the day that comes, shall burn them up, says the Lord of Hosts, and shall leave them neither root nor branch. Behold that day surely approaches and all of you will pay according to your own evil ways.

For I have given men wives that they may be lacking nothing. Wives for companionship and to bear them children. But you descended on Mount Hermon, even leaving your first estate of glory, and you have defiled yourselves with women, and you have no peace, nor rest. As I had Enoch the Scribe tell you in the age of your offense: You have no peace: a severe sentence has gone forth against thee to put thee in bonds: And thou shalt not have toleration nor request granted to you, because of the unrighteousness which thou hast taught, and because of all the works of godlessness and unrighteousness and sin which thou hast shown to men. And in bonds you shall go as you are cast into the lake of fire.

You harmed my creation for your own lusts, even forcefully taking all those you chose as your wives, and you will pay. You have joined the Satans, even the princes who arrayed themselves against me, and you chose the lies of the seraphim. Therefore, you will join them in the great eternal lake of fire. And you will forever burn and never will you have rest. You have hurt my creation and killed so many, and you have no regard for the lives I have created. Therefore, I will have no regard for you, and I have created you and now comes your judgment and eventual destruction.

I say to the Satans, the watchers, the fallen cherubim, the fallen seraphim, even all who have joined the Satans’ rebellion: you will utterly burn, over and over again for all eternity for I will bind you and cast you into the fire where your worm dies not. Even the flames reserved for you worthless ones that will burn the hottest flames just for you, for you are worthy. For I will do to you exactly what you have done to others. All the pain, sadness, regret, suffering even every detestable act will be recompensed to you for all time, and you will not escape. I will lay you bare before the nations and expose you for the frauds you are, and they will say to the little gods (who are no gods): Art thou also become weak as we? Are thou become like unto us?

I will utterly recompense you evil ways back into your bosoms and you will forever pay. You will be cast alive into the flames and you will burn in the presence of the Lamb, and the angels and all the righteous ones you have wronged will receive from me a multitude over what you took from them. For when you are recompensed of your evil, I will have recompensed my chosen and faithful Children with great reward that will exceed what you have taken a multitude over and above your worthless actions.

And so shall it be. I will create a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteousness, and my children will live with me and I will make my dwelling among men and so shall it be. But you will burn in your evil ways and every evil thing you have done will be returned to you for eternity. And so I will set the seal and you will be forgotten and you will not come to mind. And all shall dwell in peace and you will never have peace.

Behold, time is up and I am sending my son for his Bride, even Jesus Christ the Righteous! For in him I am well pleased! And all that he has saved and made whole from your worthless ways, even those you have accused unjustly will rest in me and have perfect peace, joy, and love. For I will make you as them and make them more glorious than you once were, and you have no kingdom for you are no king.

Woe to the inhabitants of the earth for great wrath is on you. For you have rejected your creator and you love death. For to reject me is to love death, and in dying you shall die. My wrath is hot against you and I will take all pleasures away, all joy, even your basic needs will go unmet. For when I showered you in grace and mercy you chose instead to use grace as an occasion to join the worthless ones, even Satan’s kingdom when you could have escaped. And so now many will perish whose names were never written in the book of life from the beginning. My Son, Jesus Christ is approaching and he will snatch his bride into the heavens and I will remove the restrainer. Behold! I send giants to fulfill my wrath! You took my grace and mercy in vain and have lived lives of sinful pleasure and I will repay.

For when you could have had peace for all eternity, even an eternal life of full joy and happiness you chose your own deaths and I will give you what you desire. You want a world of evil, and darkness I will give you exactly what you desire and I will also recompense you for all the pain you caused others as you lived in great sin. I will strip from you all pleasure and you will eat of the filth of your ways. Great judgment is on the earth and there will be no more delay.

Behold! All who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. For a great multitude will be saved from the tribulation that is coming and I will receive them to myself. For it is written: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his Temple: and he that sits on the Throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

I urge you all to call on the name of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, even the only-begotten son of God, for he is coming and the wrath of the Lamb and the wrath of Yahweh are about to be unleashed.

I am Yahweh, the great eternal God
I am El Shaddai, God almighty
I am Jehovah Jireh
I am the great Elohim, the God of Israel
I am he that sent his only-begotten son to redeem those who would be redeemed.
I am he that raised Christ Jesus from the dead and given him a name above every name that every knee should bow and every tongue will confess
I AM the Great I AM, and my wrath is soon to be fulfilled and there is none greater and I have spoken

I Yahweh, the great eternal God, have sent the Words I have sent and I have sent these words. I have sent my son, Yeshuah Hamashiach, and he has sent his words to the faithful. Time is up.

To my faithful, beloved Bride, who have fully loved me with their entire heart. You are the apple of my eye, and soon I am coming for you, sooner than you imagine. For your faithfulness, there is great reward in the heavens that has been prepared for you. Behold! Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. And so are the amazing truths concerning you my love, for you will share in my inheritance according as your faithfulness testifies at my Judgment seat, even that great Bema, where I will judge the works of each of my called and chosen and faithful.

For those whose works burn, they will suffer loss, but they themselves shall be saved so as yet by fire, and for those whose works abide they will receive much treasure, for the day will soon declare it. For this is not a foreign concept to you, but one you have learned from the witness of the Corinthians in Paul’s second letter: For we must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are made manifest unto God, and, I trust also, are made manifest in your consciences.

For it is your conscience that will testify with your words when you will soon give an account of yourselves before the righteous Judge, even me, Jesus Christ. Some will stand before me and present their own works that will be burnt  up by the refiners fire that will result in shame and loss. Some will stand before me upright, having washed themselves in my atoning blood where you will present me the works that I gave you to do. For to enter into my rest is to rest from your own works. So for those who have rested in my works is great reward for the faithful. But you all will be saved and not one of you has walked completely perfect before me, and so the day shall declare it. Fear not, I will reward you to the uttermost for all the mighty works you have done for me in secret will be made manifest, so the day shall declare it.

Why do your hearts trouble you at these sayings? Have you not read in the first letter of John, where I had him write? For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence towards God. And again: If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful, and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. So, confess your sins to me daily and as often as you like, and wash yourselves in my atoning blood.

For I am your intercessor, and you were purchased by my sacrifice as the perfect Passover to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness. Behold my Bride! The times of restitution are at hand, for Peter prophesied of this time when he healed the man at the Temple Gate Beautiful: And he shall send Jesus Christ, which before was preached unto you. Whom the heaven must receive, until the times of restitution of all things. And now comes the times of restitution, my beautiful Bride, for you are pure before me and are cleansed from all unrighteousness in the blood of the Lamb, for I am the Lamb of God! Therefore, confess your sins faithfully.

And so judgment, restitution, loss, and great reward all start with the house of God. For shortly, you will be gathered together in the clouds to meet me in the air, for I will descend from the heavens with a shout, and with the voice of the archangel and the last trumpet shall sound! Continue to watch the skies and observe, for God has done many mighty signs in the heavens even announcing the marriage of the bridegroom to his bride, even the eternal covenant between me and my bride which is soon to occur. So confess your sins and ask me to show you the sins you have forgotten so you may confess those as well and above all stand firm in the love of God, for the love of God covers a multitude of sins, so fear not because it is impossible for you to confess them all.

Of judgment because you have passed from death unto life in me, your resurrected Lord Jesus Christ. For I gave my life, nobody took it, I willingly gave it and I would do it again if needed. But there is no need for such a thing, for what did I tell the Hebrews: For it is not possible that the blood of Bulls and of Goats, should take away sins. But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down on the right hand of God. My Bride, I will not judge you according to your sins for all that are in Christ are justified, yea sanctified, even made righteous in me, Christ Jesus who will live and reign forever for my kingdom has no end. So you are acquitted of your sins, therefore, you will not be in the judgment of sinners but the judgment of the righteous, for judgment begins at the house of God.

Of restitution because I will repay, saith the Lord. So many of you have left houses, countries, families and sacrificed many, many things and many among my Bride even gave their lives, they are my Martyrs. So there will be a restitution of the things sacrificed and lost even. For what was the end of Job: And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. And the voice of James my Brother also states: Behold, we count them happy which endure. Ye have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen the end of the Lord: that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy. And so is your Father, and so I am, for I am of the great I AM!

Of loss, for many will suffer loss for I have stated regarding my judgment-seat to the Corinthians: For we must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he has done, whether it be good or bad. And again the Corinthians testify: Every man’s work shall be made manifest. For the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire, and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is. If any man’s work shall be burnt, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved: yet so, as by fire.

Of great reward, for the Corinthians speak again: Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. My faithful and chosen you simply cannot comprehend the great celebrations and banquets prepared for you by my Father in the heavens for you are coming in celebration and great treasure is treasured up for you in the heavens. (For you are coming home to me, Christ Jesus and our Father Yahweh, the eternal God) And again: if any man’s work abide, which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. I have so many rewards to give, and my inheritance is with me, so fear not for you will share in my inheritance and where I am, so to shall you be for the times of separation are over.

There are crowns of reward and authority waiting for you. I’ve listed some in scripture. There is the incorruptible crown, there is the crown of rejoicing, the crown of righteousness, the crown of glory, and the crown of life:

For those who have run the race, even the courses of service I set for them will receive the incorruptible crown for you will have had yourselves in subjection to my spirit, and you will have disciplined yourselves accordingly as any athlete would. For those who have won the race lawfully is the incorruptible crown.

There is a crown of rejoicing For what is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ at his coming? For, ye are our glory and joy. And so we will have great joy and you all will be in glory and glorified in me! For those who faithfully worked to convert and raise up your brethren is the crown of rejoicing.

There is the crown of righteousness for those who finish their courses and for those who love my appearing. So keep looking up for I am near and have great expectation for my appearing. For great expectation for my appearing also brings great reward. For those with great expectation for my appearing is the crown of righteousness.

There is the crown of glory for those who have fed the flock of God. For Peter wrote: feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly: not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind. For those who didn’t lord themselves over God’s heritage and weren’t motivated by filthy lucre and who have faithfully served me with humility and the proper heart of love is the crown of glory.

There is the crown of life that I will give to my martyrs, for those who suffer tribulation and persecution for my namesake and for those who have endured patiently the devil’s whiles and schemes. For those who have faithfully overcome these things is the crown of life.

You will also be made like me, the last Adam and you will be like me, and you will see me as I am and so too shall you be. Behold! I will recreate new bodies for you that are unlike anything you can imagine. See the records in scripture where I appeared to my faithful before being ascended into the heavens. I will tailor this body specifically to you, and it will carry your abilities, achievements, accomplishments and you will be utterly amazed.

Do you not understand what I had Paul write to the Corinthians? There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: But the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, another of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star is different from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead, it is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. My children, you will have so many abilities you never dreamed of. Though, each of you will be different from another you will all move perfectly in me for I will make you kings and priests before our God!

There will be so many things you will no longer be burdened. There will be no more sickness, no more sin for you, no more death for you, no more fear, no worry for you will all be recreated perfectly in me, Christ Jesus the Lord. So I say to you, my Bride be an over-comer for the rewards of the over-comer will I give, and it’s beyond your wildest imaginations and dreams.  For the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. And there shall be no more curse, but the throne of God, & of the Lamb shall be in it, and his servants shall serve him. And they shall see his face, and his Name shall be in their foreheads. And there shall be no night there, and they need no candle, neither light of the Sun, for the Lord God gives them light, and they shall reign forever and ever. So fear not, my faithful Bride, great reward is so soon to be realized for you. For God is not unrighteous, to forget your work and labor of love, which you have shewed toward his Name, in that you have ministered to the Saints, and do minister.

I am coming for you, sooner than you imagine
I am your intercessor
I am and so too shall you be, for you will see me as I am
I am coming, and my reward is with me for the faithful
I am he who will fully give you your inheritance, for so is delivered to me
I am he who will give you new bodies to replace the body of sin
I am, for I am of the great I AM!

Look for my appearing in the clouds, as the signs will announce me before my brightness breaks across the sky. I Yeshua HaMaschiach have sent these Words.

To my Church, my Body, even my Bride I ask you to lend your ears to my wisdom and hear my voice for I will now speak to you, are you listening? Put aside your various and sundry man made doctrines and so-called theologies and incline your heart to Holy scripture, even my pure word. Set aside your leavened doctrines, for any admixture of the Words of God, even the pure Word of God, leavens the entire lump of dough and you no longer have scripture. For I am the Word of God made flesh and I dwell within you, and I am calling you to your home in the heavens so very soon.

Put your commentaries away and quit listening to so many untruthful voices, even voices that are not mine, but instead hold my Words in your hearts and compare them to scripture so you may have faith in my Words and faith in me, Christ Jesus. For if one comes to you who speaks not the doctrine of the Lord, even the pure Words of God, do not even wish him godspeed. For I will make you wise in my holy scripture, even the Word of life and my wisdom does not corrupt, so gather your treasures together in heaven, where neither rust nor moths corrupt, and where thieves neither break up nor yet steal. For wheresoever your treasure is, there will your hearts be also. My Children, I am your treasure, so keep your thoughts and hearts solely on me in singleness of mind.

Have you not read the Words that reveal this great mystery of God? For we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellent power of it might appear to be of God, and not of us. To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. So fear not for you have been born again of my holy spirit, therefore, understand the Words of my Word, for I will tell you wisdom that will comfort you and keep you from strong delusion that has overtaken the world, for the world is chained for judgement and is in great fear and distress.

Therefore, I have come to speak to you, so I may testify to the wise among you of two world leaders who currently appear as virtuous shepherds, even sheep elected from among the flock to serve in civic duty, who appear to have come to shepherd the lost sheep of Mystery Babylon to safety. But these two mangy shepherds are no sheep, but they are evil beasts disguised as sheep and are from a different fold, even the shepherd dragon’s very own. The shepherd dragon is not a true shepherd of the sheep, for his flock is no flock, but a host of fallen ones who have fallen from glory, and have become all manner of unclean things fit for destruction. I speak of the current deception that is being used to set the stage for the rising of the unholy three. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there is an unholy three that are rising, (even a great counterfeit of the three that bear record in heaven): The dragon, the beast and the false prophet (who is also a beast). And these brute beasts are made for destruction, for their future is burning fire and brimstone in that great lake of fire that burns white flames of blue in the blackness of darkness forever.

I speak to their current state and present rule for they have not yet been fully revealed for the restrainer is still present, but I will identify them to my faithful, even those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. Understand that these deceivers work great deception even before their revealing and true empowerment for they will be given authority from the dragon, for such is given him for a very short time and in a limited fashion to test and try the earth, and to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And though the mystery of iniquity works mightily for these purposes, their revealing is not yet, but is at hand.

For even now they appear as great men, benevolent men, men of valor and philanthropy, who live lives of selfless service, but do not be deceived by the mangy shepherds, for they appear clean and pure to the masses who will already wonder after them and soon will say: Who is like unto the beast? (For even now they lead astray the lost, who are enchanted by their witchcraft.) But for those with eyes to see and ears to hear they appear as they truly are, for they are mangy shepherds who receive their power from the great dragon, even Satan himself. For one will rise from the sea and is currently working in secret (behind the facade of a propped up old stooge) for the destruction of Mystery Babylon and the other will rise from the earth and is sent falsely to those in the promised land and will be the false prophet for the synagogue of Satan, even their false Moshiach.

For the beastly false prophet is in collusion with the beast who rules in secret and they both work together to fully advance the mystery of iniquity that they may soon be revealed, for their times have come though they have no kingdom as yet. Do not succumb to the delusion, for the one mangy shepherd who rules in secret puppeteers the old stooge, while the other mangy shepherd who appears persecuted by the old stooge works hand in hand with the mangy shepherd who rules in secret. For they pretend they are enemies at the present time, but they are all from the same mangy flock, fulfilling the dragon’s purposes.

Sadly, many who think they are saved by faithlessly confessing Jesus as Lord from an unbelieving heart on lips of unbelief (for with the heart man believes unto righteousness) are enchanted by these demons, and they will deceive my very elect if possible, even the ones who ignorantly follow them. For these shepherds are not pure, and their cloaks are made of wool that is dirty and diseased, for they are mangy shepherds tending a mangy flock and by their fruits you will know them.

They are not pure and white as snow like my sheep, for I am the Lamb without spot and blemish who was selected from the flock to be the perfect Passover for all time, and I cleanse my sheep in my atoning blood and no mange is found in them. Though they claim they are sent by God Almighty, God Almighty did not send them. Though many false prophets falsely testify regarding him, I have not sent him, but the dragon. For I am the High priest forever after the order of Melchizedek, and there are no other lambs but me, Christ Jesus.

Salvation is in my name alone, for no other name is given amongst men whereby men might be saved except mine, the Lord Jesus. For, there is not one person whom I intend to receive my Words that will not hear them. If they receive my words in faith or if they faithlessly reject them is a choice the Father has empowered each one to make, for God forces himself and his love on not one person. And I am coming to execute judgement upon all, and to convict all that are ungodly amongst them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches, which ungodly sinners have spoken against him.

I have spoken to you in many ways and in my many works have I sent my prophets, and ministers, for time is up. And so I will speak of things unconfirmed to previous generations but are now revealed, for the times of my revealing have come. For I am about to be revealed from the heavens, even me, for I am the true Messiah, even Yeshua Hamashiach. And I will speak in parables to them that are without, but for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear will understand, for I will confirm it in my spirit that is created in them.

I am come to speak of the words that John the Revelator was given, and I will make the way plain to you if you will receive my Words and humble your hearts to my voice. Behold! I speak of two coming rulers who work in tandem, and they will deceive the World and take many with them to the fires of the abyss. Even those whose names are not written in the book of life who will follow them and will be stricken with the serpents bite of which the world has been warned. Even the mark, of which no man will be healed, for the warnings are final and what God has declared is impossible to change.

Even these leaders, even the mangy shepherds who currently masquerade themselves as civil servants of Mystery Babylon. For under the mangy shepherd’s cloaks they wear (for each is disguised in his own way), they are ravenous beasts whose lust can never be satisfied, and they will demand all to worship them and the image of the beast and the dragon as if they are God, for they are about to be unleashed when the restrainer is removed.

For very soon and suddenly, when I gather my Church to me in the clouds sudden destruction will overtake the earth, for they will destroy Secret Babylon and great war will break across the land and sudden destruction will overtake the earth. The unholy trio will rise from the ashes of the ruins and chaos left by the horseman, who are soon to be unleashed after my Bride is snatched away to me in the heavens. (For only then will I open the seals of my testament for my Church is saved from the wrath to come, and I will rescue them) They will rise from the ashes of war, pestilence, famine, and great injustice and from the deaths of many, many multitudes.

They will offer peace and safety, and they will speak many lies they will pass for the wisdom of God, and will speak many blasphemous and damnable things and one will point to the other and in their hand will be their solution, even their venom which cannot be undone nor forgiven for anyone who gives themselves to the serpents bite, forever marked will they forever be. But such will be the price to enter their new society, even their new order made by Satan and his angels that they foolishly make for their abominable seed.

They will promise a new society free from the death and destruction that is soon to come on the entire World, when sudden destruction comes at the gathering of my Church. (They seek to rekindle their golden age that God destroyed in the flood of Noah) They will offer peace, long life, freedom from disease, health and safety and a new day will they promise. But these two mangy shepherds (who appear as though they are from the flock) will claim that God Almighty has sent them and the entire world will wonder after them, but they are no shepherds. I ask you, can a dragon shepherd a flock? When has a dragon ever tended the sheep, except to seal their utter destruction and separation from the Father of Lights, even Yahweh. For the beast and the false prophet will receive their power from the dragon, and they are slaves to the dragon’s lusts and will.

At the time of their revealing they will throw off their disguises of lowly civil servants and all the pomp, even their mangy cloaks of mangy sheepskins and their true nature, power and purposes will be revealed. Though the world will wonder after them and their ways, even worshipping them to their own destruction. They will step on the world stage in great power and an alliance of 10 kings will rule. Even now, the alliance has already arrayed their hosts in secret for a secret attack on secret Babylon. They have secretly set themselves to the ready, and they have surely coordinated an attack, and they have openly invaded Secret Babylon according to the judgement declared by God that is about to befall her, of which she shall never again rise.

For her iniquities have come before the most High and her sins before the great throne of heaven, even before the great God, for there is none greater and judgement has been pronounced on her. For El Shaddai even uses the hands of his enemies to fulfill his plans and even his enemies obey his voice, for who can stand against God Almighty? Make no mistake, the two mangy shepherds currently are in collusion behind the image of a stooge. Yet, they have not yet been revealed to the World and when they are the world will wonder after them and follow them to their demise. Yet they are no sheep at all, but they are raging beasts on the inside who will soon have great power bestowed on them by the dragon, for such is given to him for a short season. For they will set themselves against, and in place of the good shepherd, except those with spiritual discernment will see the mange, even the evil and utter depravity that is within them, for they are of an impure nature and are evil to the depth of their beings. You already know who they pretend to be, but you do not know who they truly are, and they have even given themselves fake names, so the number cannot be counted.

For the beast who will rise from the sea to rule the nations has already been and appears that he now is not but in reality still is, even guiding the hands of a mindless old puppet. This is he who is named in Hebrew using the words I spoke when I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Lightning fall from heaven: study to learn. For he does not desire women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all. I ask you now and see whether a man does travail with child? Yet his wife appears a woman with children, though they are not his children.

The beast to rise from the earth you already know and many of you ignorantly follow, even being deceived already when you should be preaching against the deception. For he is from the land, but of his tribe is not one person sealed of the 144,000. And of Dan he said, Dan is a Lion’s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan, and he is from the tribe of Dan, even proud of his bloodline, for blue blood flows in his veins. He is identified as a modern day Cyrus and will be a temple builder so he may bring about the abomination of desolation in his time, and presently already builds in the promise land for the Synagogue of Satan.

My little ones, I leave you with wisdom to ponder, and these are no longer mysteries but have been revealed in their time. Only their times will not be revealed to the World until the restrainer is removed, and it will happen much quicker than you realize. For these things are about to come to pass and there is no more time, for the numbers have fallen from the clock face. Stay faithful in me and when I have confirmed in your spirit their identity, convert your brethren. Behold, my appearing is nearly accomplished.

I am the Word of God made flesh and I dwell within you
I am calling you to your home in the heavens so very soon
I am the Lamb without spot and blemish
I am the High priest forever after the order of Melchizedek
I am the true Messiah, even Yeshua Hamashiach
I am coming to execute judgement upon all
I am come to speak of the words that John the Revelator was given
I am that I am, for the great I AM has sent me

Behold, I even Christ Jesus have sent these words to my faithful, now hear my Words!

Hear my Words, even the Words of Jesus the Nazarene, for I am coming to you in the spirit of love, compassion, humility, grace and especially mercy. For soon my grace and mercy will be replaced with great trouble, even Jacob’s trouble, and this entire seven-year period will be unlike anything the earth has ever seen, even since the beginning of creation. It will begin with sudden destruction and persecution that will only intensify. Therefore, I come this last time to the sinners who have not yet repented in my grace and mercy. For there is still, but a moment left for your repentance if you will come to me, Jesus Christ, and confess me as your Lord and believe in your heart God has raised me from the dead. I have out stretched my arms in grace and mercy to a dying world for an entire age of grace now, and many have made me their Lord. Even as many as the Lord our God has called and chosen from before the foundations of the World to be revealed in me, Jesus Christ the mighty Lord: For I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings.

And I have called the chosen, and all who have become faithful in my salvation. Many have been saved! Saved from what, you ask? Saved from the judgement and destruction that is about to be unleashed on this world, its gods, its rulers, its principalities, and all who follow Satan, for he is the god of this world and his judgement has come. Even saved from the great white throne judgement and the lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels. Judgement has been passed on the rulers of this present darkness, and it is soon coming to consummation and completion, for the earth will be ruled by my hand in righteousness, for my time has come to be revealed, and the earth is mine and the fullness thereof, even I, Yeshua Hamashiach!

Judgement is coming and is even here but not yet in full. And so many of you still believe you have time to indulge your sins, and seek satisfaction for your sinful lusts which come from your corrupted flesh. Understand that I have no desire to judge and condemn any of you, for I have given my life in my love for you and in full payment for your sins in great agony and torment on the cross! For there is not one sin that has not been paid fully by my atoning sacrifice as the perfect Passover. I am the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. And I didn’t come to condemn you, but I am here to save you. The world as you know it is about to change so drastically that you will not recognize what will rise from the ashes, for much of the world is about to go down in flames and perish in a multitude of ways in Yahweh’s righteous judgement. And great horror is coming out of these ashes.

For the prince of this world is judged, and his judgement will be fulfilled and consummated fully. For much evil has Satan done and his ways are deplorable, and he only comes to steal kill and destroy. He has corrupted mankind fully and in various ways, and he seeks to destroy all that God loves. For God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten son that whosoever believes in me should not perish, but have everlasting life. So understand fully that I am the final Passover lamb for all time (there will not be another) and I have paid for all sins. Satan has corrupted the genetics of mankind since the garden of Eden, when he tempted Adam and Eve to accept his putrid fruit and believe his worthless knowledge, for his knowledge brings death to all who eat therof. And for this reason God almighty has offered a peace treaty to his creation, even me, Jesus Christ.

For what says the voice of the Ephesians, when Paul wrote them concerning my completed works, (for I said in my final breath on the cross, “it is finished”)! But now, in Christ Jesus, you which a while ago were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ. For he is our peace, which has made of both one, and has broken down the wall that was a stop between us. Hear my voice, I am your peace for the law condemned sin in the flesh, even your own flesh and blood is corrupted in sin, even contaminated since Eden. I, Jesus Christ, in my atoning sacrifice on Calvary have broken down the middle wall of partition between Jew and Gentile, making them both one new man, even recreated them in righteousness and true holiness for all who accept peace by declaring me as their risen Lord!

But there’s more from the Ephesians, (as if this isn’t wonderful enough) so Ephesians continues: and hath also put away through his flesh the cause of hatred (that is to say, the law of commandment contained in the law written) for to make of two one new man in himself, so making peace: and to reconcile both unto God in one body through his cross, and slew hatred thereby. Hear me, oh man who has refused my call: I am calling you now in these last seconds and time is almost up! Accept me as your peace offering for I am freely offering you salvation and redemption from your corrupted bodies, even eternal life in me, Christ Jesus. Make no mistake: Every good gift, and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

Hear my voice and understand that anything good in your lives, anything of value and virtue is of the Father and given by the Father of Lights so you may have fullness of life and come to me, the Lord Jesus, as your personal savior. And that you may know there is life eternal for you if you but accept. Do you hate yourselves so much that you are willing to sacrifice everything you love in life that has been given from the Father to satisfy your own selfish lusts? Are your sins so important to you that you will choose everlasting condemnation with Satan over the goodness of God and newness of life in me, Christ Jesus? Are your sins that important to you?

I am calling you, oh natural man, and I am inviting you to peace and eternal life. A life free from sickness and sin, even a life free of disease and heart break, a life free from suffering where you will no longer watch those you love suffer, for the former things will pass away so very soon. There is no more time to satisfy your sins. For so many of you have taken the grace of God in vain and believed the lies of the thief, who wants to steal your very lives from you so you may join him in his eternal punishment. Make no mistake, to reject me, Jesus the Nazarene (even he who gave himself for your sins and salvation) is to reject life and choose eternally the second death of which Satan and his angels are condemned: For they have no forgiveness, and they will have no rest, and they have no peace. And the lake of fire is prepared for the devil and his angels.

To reject my sacrifice is to reject eternal life and to reject God fully. Therefore, there will be no mercy, grace, love, light, nor peace but only regret, darkness and torment where you will reap the putrid fruit of your flesh for all eternity. Do you not see how foolish this is? I have paid for your sins in my atoning blood! But you refuse my ways, though I am calling you right now and for many the last time. You refuse my love, though my heart still breaks for you and your families, and I would save you to the uttermost if you only repent and cease from your sins. Do you not understand I suffered as the lowest sinner in my atoning sacrifice that I might lift you up to God in salvation? For I was lifted up on the cross to save your souls and reconcile you to the Father, and I have always been sinless, so accept my sinless blood!

For what says scripture, for surely you have heard that God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son: that whosoever believes in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life. I know these words are familiar to you, for even your entertainers who keep you in bondage to Satan have blasphemously misapplied my Words. But you would do well to keep reading, so please hear my voice! For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through him might be saved. He that believes on him, is not condemned: but he that believes not, is condemned already, because he has not believed in the Name of the only-begotten Son of God.

Is my speech not plain enough? Are my Words not easily understood? If you reject me, the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God, you will permanently join my enemy, even those who are responsible for spilling the innocent blood: For to reject me is to join satans rebellion, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. And so is the truth concerning you, oh natural man, even those of you who would reject my spirit of life, and for all this I am still calling you, though this is the last and final call before judgement begins. For there is no more time. Are your sins that important to you that you would spend eternity in outer darkness and punishment in that great lake of fire prepared for the devil and his angels? For God does not desire this punishment for you, and has sent me as his peace offering to reconcile you to him by my atoning blood.

Hear my words and accept my peace. To all those who hear these words, know that I, Jesus of Nazareth, am calling you and I don’t care what sins bind you because I have paid for them all. Understand that taking the mark of the beast will be unforgivable and I am trying to save you from this temptation, (even though the mark is not here just yet) for many will lose their lives in torment for refusing. But understand the following: You cannot get so low that I cannot reach you, only take not the mark. Not even the haughty can elevate themselves in sin so highly that I cannot bring them gently down to salvation and seal them with my spirit that I may exalt them! For I have paid for all the sins of mankind for all time, and I left nothing undone. There are so many sins, but I will call some of you specifically by your vices. Know that I will forgive all your sins and not just these, and I will fully cleanse you in my blood from all of your sins.

To the alcoholic and drug addict I say, turn to me now in an eternal moment of clarity and hear my Words, for if you will listen in faith my words will bring the glorious light of salvation to you. My Words will bind the demons who make you drink and use drugs, though you would make them your friends. I give you miraculous clarity so you can decide which you will have for eternity: Eternal life with me, Jesus Christ in perfect union with God himself? Or eternal damnation in the fires that are never quenched? Is the sin you greedily hold in your hand, even your alcohol and drug addiction, so important that you would choose to perish, even inflicting your fate on those you love who follow you instead of me?

You are not so low that I cannot lift you up, and I so passionately desire to forgive you, but you have to respond to my voice and come out of your ways in repentance. Pour out your alcohol and quit poisoning yourselves and come to me in repentance and I will deliver you. There is no time to waste, don’t ignore me and spiral off into drunkenness and forget my words, for your own words of rejection will be recorded in the heavens as a witness against you on the day of judgement and you will not escape!

To the murderer, I say: Immediately stop your murderous violence of those who are made in the image of God, even your fellow man, for this is grave sin. Verily, and truly of an unalterable truth, you have murdered your own selves with every life you have taken and without me there is no remedy to your coming punishment. But even your murders were paid in full in my sacrifice, for I left nothing undone. I have demonstrated my grace in the life of the great Apostle Paul as a witness of encouragement, oh you murderers.

For even Saul was deceived and headed towards great judgement on the road to Damascus, where I saved him from himself. Paul persecuted, hurt, and consented to and commited murder against my holy Church! For he admits as much in Acts: And I persecuted this way unto the death, binding and delivering into prison both men and women. Yet he accepted my offer of eternal life and made me, Jesus Christ, his Lord and faithfully served me as an example of repentance to all, and I highly elevated him for his obedience. I have paid for your murderous ways if you will repent from them, and come to me in true repentance, for if you do so now I will receive you in grace and mercy. Do not be deceived, there is no time to waste.

To the lowest of the low, I say: I have even made a way for you to come out of your insanity and confusion for I have given you over to your vile lusts just as Romans declares: For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one towards another, men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.

Come out of your uncleanness and come out of your worthless pride and quit blaspheming the sign given to Noah and to every living creature, even the rainbow that shows itself in the rain clouds. The rainbow is so the world will know that God will never destroy the world by water again, though judgement by fire is imminent. Come to me and repent, change your ways and call on my name, confess me as Lord from a heart filled with faith in my resurrection and I will receive you. Hurry, for you don’t have time to ponder, for judgement is about to be unleashed. There is no time to waste.

Hear my words and come to me, for I have no pleasure in the coming judgement and destruction and neither does Yahweh, no not even God Almighty! For Adam was created in the Father’s love and perfection in righteousness and true holiness. God gave him a life complete with nothing lacking. And so Satan attacked the creation and corrupted your very flesh and your very nature so that you go astray from the womb for sin is in your blood: The life of the flesh is in the blood. Yet God, in his great mercy, for his mercy endures forever, even God Almighty gave me, his only-begotten son as the perfect sacrifice that will save you to the uttermost if you will only come to me in repentance from your sins. I will undo the works of Satan in your lives if you will come to me, please come for my arms will not be outstretched much longer!

There is so little time remaining and Jacob’s trouble is about to break forth across the earth, and men’s hearts will fail them for the severity of what is coming. Satan has prepared many abominations that he will unleash, for to refuse my call is to choose Satans kingdom of death and destruction and I will leave you to your choice and I will give you the darkness and misery you so love, and you will eat of the fruit of your ways unless you repent. For this is it, this is the last call before judgement swiftly comes. Even my servants and ministers cry to the ends of the earth this very second, except they will cry for your salvation until they are snatched away to me in the clouds when I come for my Bride in the air shortly, and this will happen unexpectedly, though I tell you plainly before it happens. And then my last call of grace and mercy will be over. And when I snatch my bride to safety, sudden destruction will break across the earth, and many of you who hear these words will not escape. Some of you foolishly think you can continue to abuse my grace, and it will continue indefinitely, but the sad truth is grace will turn to judgement, and it will happen suddenly and many will not escape.

For those who are not killed by this sudden destruction soon to be unleashed on mystery Babylon, will find themselves in a world they never dreamed possible. A world where there is constant death and destruction for Satan will systematically purge anything to do with me, Jesus Christ, and he will do it unmercifully. There will be torment across the land and wanton cruelty and to come to me during this time of judgement and testing will be the most difficult, but whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, and they will have to endure to the end and many will lose their heads and many will die in great torment.

But even then, God will wipe away all tears from their eyes, for John the Revelator declared concerning them: These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his Temple: and he that sitteth on the Throne shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, neither thirst anymore, neither shall the Sun light on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb, which is in the midst of the throne, shall feed them, and shall lead them unto the living fountain of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.

I, even I, Christ Jesus, the risen and ascended Lord, even the true messiah: I am calling you and my hope and expectation is that you will accept my peace offering and come to my salvation that you may live eternally with me in the bosom of the Father! Only refuse not my call, for I will not call much longer and I will not call in grace and mercy in this manner again for time is out. (Though grace and mercy are forever with me) Please come to me that I may save you in these last seconds of grace. For you are no different from those who believed at the start of my age of grace, and my salvation and reward will be yours if you obey my voice right now. Right now is the time of salvation! Repent and come to me in humility. Make me your Lord and know that I am alive forevermore, for God raised me from the dead to die no more. Should you accept my offer, you will have overcome, and you will receive the rewards of the overcomer:

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. To him that overcometh, will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. Read this again and again, for I am offering you a last shot at salvation by grace. Only, do not refuse my call, for there is no more time for such things. For so many of you, rejection of me will be final and permanent, and you will not recover nor escape the coming judgement, for sudden destruction is on you. And the Spirit and the Bride say, come. And let him that heareth, say, Come. And let him that is thirsty, come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

And finally: He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be. So let it be done.

I am calling sinners in the spirit of my love
I am Lord of Lords and King of Kings
I am the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world
I am here to save you
I am the final Passover lamb
I am your peace offering
I am calling you now in this last time
I am offering you salvation and redemption
I am calling you now to repentance and remission of sins
I am inviting you to peace and eternal life
I am still calling you
I am alive forevermore, will you join me?

Hear the Words of the Lord, even the Words of Yeshua HaMaschiach. Come to me my Bride, come to me in readiness for I am coming for you. Rest in me, my little ones and sit at my feet, hear my Words of comfort and hear my Words of power for I have given you a comforter and in that comforter great power. Hear me and believe my Words, humble your pride to hear the voices of my messengers, for they are lowly in heart. I haven’t sent the mighty ones of this World to you, I haven’t sent the ones of great riches and fame to you (though they pretend), no I have sent you those the World has cast away in disdain because they speak for me and my spirit is in them and cannot be removed. Marvel not that the world hates you, for the World hated me first, and the servant is not greater than his master. If they have hated me, so to have they hated you. But who are you that you should fear what man can do to you? Who are you that you should sit in darkness and trepidation when I have led you to my Father and your Father, even the great eternal God, for there is no other! I, even I, Christ Jesus, have seated you in the heavenlies and amongst all that are in the heavens eagely await in great expectation for your soon arrival, my Bride.

For even the great and eternal God, even our Father, even Yahweh himself, (who is from eternity to eternity) waits in great expectation for you! For very soon you will appear before his throne in great glory, and in his throne room you will be seated, for you will partake of my throne. The angels excitedly await you as well, my Children, for there is joy in their presence when even one sinner repents. For, so it is: But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of Angels. Even some of these same angels are ministers for those who will inherit salvation and that includes you my Bride. And I, even Christ Jesus, even I am longing for your presence before me. For I love you and longing for you, and soon we will be forever united by the marriage of the lamb. I am your Bridegroom who longs for my Bride, and I am coming for you! I have prepared for you many things, and many treasures and rewards of faithfulness are waiting for you. Soon you will come to your full inheritance in me, and you will have all eternity to realize the greatness and splendor of what I am gathering you to me to accomplish. And what I will make of you, for you are a new creation, a new man, created in me! And there are many, many things you will do for me, not only in my Kingdom of Righteousness where I will rule the earth in Righteousness for a day! But especially in the new heavens and new earth will your greatness shine, and you will forever be with me. For one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as a day.

I have a question for you my loves, even I Jesus Christ the Lord of Lords and King of Kings! Hear me and consider my Words, for The Words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Why do you devalue yourselves? I understand you are meek and lowly of heart, and that’s from the new nature that I created within you, for natural man is ever prideful. But why do you consider yourselves worthless, asking yourselves why would God even want to deal with you, and why would I offer you salvation when there are better candidates? Why do you sit there in depression, condemning yourselves when you sin? Why not dust yourselves off? (Dust shall be the serpent’s meat) Get up! Arise! Awake! Yes, you will all sin from morning to sunset, is this something that Yahweh overlooked in his foreknowledge? What is it then? Did God forget that you would sin after salvation? God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar! For in his plan of redemption, even his plans concerning me, even the great mystery of God, even all these things: were crafted together in grace and mercy, only accept my grace and mercy for many of you self flagellate instead.

My Children I paid the price for your sins and when you walk uprightly and honestly, and you sin because your flesh is corrupted just confess the sin to me and cleanse yourselves in my redeeming blood, for I am your redemption and I have redeemed you. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so: whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy. There is nothing you can do to add to my completed works, for what more do perfectly completed works need? When I said on the cross at my last breath in that house of red earth, I was clothed at the time: It is finished, I left nothing undone. And when God accepts a finished perfect sacrifice, let no one try to add anything, for those are works of vanity. Even your subtle pride and your vanity, for on the earth is great vanity. Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher: vanity of vanities, all is vanity. For vanity speaks, and she lies to you saying you aren’t good enough and my sacrifice is incomplete. Therefore, you must do something more to prove your worthiness when you repent before me. Verily I say, fruits meet for repentance are acceptable, but not self condemnation, not self loathing, not self-defeating mindsets of depression. For when you engage in these worthless practices of the flesh, you are unknowingly calling the truth a lie and attempting to reconcile your flesh to the spirit. My Children, that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that you cannot do the things that you would. For by my sacrifice you are reconciled to me your Lord Jesus Christ, and I have reconciled you to God, for so is the great mystery of God of which you are part.

Why do you doubt my Words? Tell your flesh to keep quiet and silence the voices that are contrary to my sound doctrine! For I have prepared you for greatness, I have empowered you in my spirit of sonship whereby you cry ABBA Father. I have empowered and enabled you to do great things for me and above all I have commissioned you in me. Even in my love letters to my Bride, even the letters I had Paul write to my Church explain this in plain speech for you to understand and believe. For what did I tell my Corinthian Church at the hand of Paul? Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation. My children, when you walk in my spirit and stay faithful to my precepts, I am creating you newly in me.

For the old man of red earth is perishing, and both Jew and Gentile alike will be made one new man in me, even by my spirit of sonship, for I will save some of all. Now, if there be any man that hath not the spirit of Christ, the same is none of his. In whom also after that you believed, you were sealed with that holy spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of your inheritance, until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. So walk in newness of life and understand that very soon my purchased possession will receive in full (you have the down payment of my spirit) and you will be clothed in new bodies. Uncorrupted bodies, bodies that are powerful in scope and ability, even houses fit for a king! For, you will be kings and priests before our God. So I have reconciled you to God and there is no more enmity, and I have given you the ministry of reconciliation. Oh, but why would I do such a thing, you may ask? Listen and I will tell you.

And so the Corinthians continues their witness: To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are Ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us; we pray you in Christs stead, that be ye reconciled to God. My children, you are my Ambassadors, and you hold a very prestigious position, for you represent me. For to be my ambassador is to represent the King of Kings and Lord of Lords to a dying World, and I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. So, please hear me: I have made you my ambassadors. I have reconciled you to God Almighty, even El Shaddai for his purposes will be done! I have given you the Word of reconciliation even Words of eloquence fit for my Ambassadors, for the Word of God is from everlasting to everlasting. And I have given every one of you the ministry of reconciliation. This means I have authorized every soul who is born again of my mighty spirit as my powerful ministers and the enemy fears you greatly and will run from you when you walk in my power, though he will try to whisper false words to you and even roar like a lion. But his putrid mouth has no teeth, for they were broken out by the power of my resurrection, and he will not recover. Ignore that toothless lion and focus on my voice, even the Words of my Word.

In this great position of authority and power, (for you move in my name and my name is greater than all names, and only Yahweh is greater!) I have placed you as my ministers and ambassadors, and I have prepared you and equipped you and clothed you in great power! My children, you do not understand the precepts of my Words, for the aApostate Shepherds hired the Laodicean Ministers to lie to you regarding the power and gift created in you at the new birth. For Paul explained the majesty of the power given in the spirit of sonship created in you. For he told the Corinthians: In spiritual things, brethren, I would not have you ignorant. And again: There are diversities of gifts, verily, yet but one spirit. And yet again: But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man, to profit withal. Do not be ignorant of spiritual matters and understand the difference between a gift and a manifestation, for they are not the same words in the Text.

I have given the gift of holy spirit and in that gift are manifestations. For what does my Word say: But the manifestation of the spirit, is given to every man to profit withall. Your luke warm Laodicean Ministers have echoed the lies satan has told through the ages. Lies to make you believe that you are powerless and lies to try and hide your true power in me, for your spirit is Christ in you, the hope of glory! So my manifestations of the spirit are listed as these: Word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, divers kinds of tongues, the interpretation of tongues. Before we proceed, put down your worldly commentaries and worldly lexicons and worldly concordances and quit letting them lie to you to redefine scripture to satans ends.

In every spirit in every man is this potential to manifest power from on high! But all these worketh that one and the self same spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. My children, why would you think these are gifts when scripture says they are manifestations? They have lied to you, read my Words and have faith in the Words my translators chose, for I was with them. You have all these abilities and if you will to manifest them I will work them in you to deliver the captives from satans grip into the glorious light of eternity. Ignore anyone who speaks contrary to these words and educate yourselves in my Word. Quit worrying about how these things work, for they do not work by way of eloquent words and happy thoughts. They work according to the need, by the desire of the man who must have the will to do my will, and especially by faith in me. For I will do mighty works by your hands and I have sent you my bride, for this is the last commission.

I have given the gift of holy spirit, and in that gift are many other gifts for what say the Ephesians: But unto every one of us is given grace, according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith: When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. And again from Romans: For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. So understand that you should think highly of yourselves for you have been recreated in righteousness and true holiness even to show the glory of God himself, even the Father of lights for you are the lights of the world. But think soberly, for you are not greater than your brothers and sisters who have been born of the same spirit as you: For you all have these abilities, and you all have these gifts.

For I have given gifts unto men: And I gave some Apostles: and some Prophets: and some Evangelists: and some Pastors, and teachers: For the perfecting of the Saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. There are many ministries I have given my Bride, and they are yours if you so desire. Ask of me and I will work these ministries in you, but you have to have the desire. So covet earnestly the best gifts: And yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. That more excellent way, my Children, is God’s unconquerable love. You should covet earnestly the best gifts, for I have empowered you. But to serve out of  the Love of God, to give the sacrifices of your lips and praise of your faithful heart in love, is superior. Give freely as you have freely received. Walk in this power because you love God and you love me, Jesus Christ, and give freely of all that has been given to you and go forth, doubting nothing.

My Bride, so I have I sent you to complete these Works, and soon your courses will be finished, and when I gather you to me in the clouds, you will know, just as I knew on the cross, and you will be able to say (as I once said): It is finished. Soon you will enter into the pleasure of your Lord!

I am coming for you very soon
I am longing for your presence before me
I am Christ Jesus and I have created you newly in me
I am the high priest forever after the order of Melchisidek.
I am he who has given gifts unto men
I am he who has given you the ministry and words of reconciliation
I am he who has sent you as my faithful Ambassadors
I am that I am so tell them I am has sent you
I AM has sent me to you
I am he who sends you in this last time

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